100 Day Blogging Course: Discount Coupon with Bonus

If you are into Digital Marketing then you must have heard his name. One of the top Digital Marketers in India Deepak Kanakaraju is your trainer for this course.

Join the 100 Day Blogging Course at 40% Discount Link

Instructor Details: Deepak Kanakaraju

He is also an Author, Speaker, Digital Marketing Consultant, and Trainer in the field of Digital Marketing and blogs about digital marketing tips at Digital Deepak (his personal blog). He is also a columnist at Entrepreneur.com and YourStory. Having 10+ years of experience in DM, he recently started his own Agency named PixelTrack. Not to forget, Deepak Kanakaraju is also a social media expert.

What will you learn?

There are several modules covered in the course; I will give a brief overview of the modules covered:

  • How to start a blog from scratch
  • Learning WordPress
  • Basics of Google Analytics
  • Getting started with Youtube and Video Marketing
  • Google Adwords
  • Basics of Facebook Ads
  • Email Marketing and Automation
  • SMS Marketing
  • SEO and Keyword Research
  • How to use Social Media to drive traffic to your blog.
  • … and more

There are several other courses by Deepak Kanakaraju available in the market but the 100 day blogging course by Deepak is still the best among all of them in my opinion.

In 100 Day Blogging Course…

You’ll learn…

  • How to choose the right niche, topic, and domain name…[when you get these three steps right, your chance to succeed doubles]
  • Everything you need to set up your first WordPress blog – the right plugins to use, picking the right WordPress theme, integrating forms, monitoring uptime and so
  • How to get content ideas…[so that you never run out of ideas and stare at the blank document]
  • How to write better web content… [that’ll never bore your audiences and make them come back again and again like a kid to the candy store]
  • The different types of online content and how to use keywords to write content…[so that you keep your audience happy with the multi-format content that’s focused on right keywords]
  • Save

But It’s just the beginning…

Once you learn the creation part…

We deep dive into the marketing part…

You’ll learn the essential marketing components to succeed in blogging

You’ll learn…

  • How to scale search traffic with long tail keywords…[so that you can not only dominate the search game by ranking for the hyper-targeted long tail keywords, but also convert that traffic into sales, leads, and profit.]
  • How to set up your first search ad campaign… [so that you can get the important, targeted early visitors for pennies(when you run ads for the long tail keywords) who’ll share your posts and get you the much needed social proof that’ll skyrocket your rankings]
  • Introduction to AMP and how to setup AMP for your blog… [Google wants to keep its mobile customers happy, and it rewards blogs that are AMP ready in the mobile search results.]
  • How to write compelling headlines… [80% of your readers will decide whether to read your post or not based on the headlines and you’ll learn everything you need to write such headlines that’ll grab their attention and make them read every one of your blog posts]
  • How to perform advanced keyword research and analyze your competitor keywords…[so that you can identify the right keywords to target and also the precious keywords which are left out by your competitors that you can target and reap the results] 
  • How to use Facebook instant articles to get more exposure….[you can make your posts accessible to those Facebook loving audiences who otherwise wouldn’t leave Facebook to read your posts and get those likes, shares, and comments everyone else will miss]
  • How to set up your Facebook page and use it to promote your blog…[so that you get the most out of the world’s second-largest nation]
  • How to set up your first Facebook ads campaign and lead ads…[and Start building your email list. In online marketing, they say “Money is in the list,” and I very much agree with them. Regardless of your business, your list will be your biggest asset]
  • Everything you need to know about LinkedIn platform including LinkedIn Ads and Analytics… [if you’re a business or a freelancer, you should focus more on LinkedIn to get the maximum out of your blogging efforts]
  • How to leverage Quora to drive traffic and capture leads…[most People either neglect Quora or struggle to generate traffic and leads from it, but you’ll not. You’ll know what to do to get What you want]
  • How to use Advanced analytics including heat maps and visitors recording….[so that you understand how your visitors/readers are interacting with your blog and content]
  • How to start your first campaign with MailChimp… [your list is the bloodline of your business growth, and you’ll learn how to build a relationship and maintain it to get the best results]
  • How to perform the magic of email automation and advanced workflows….[so that you can wow your readers with behavior-based responses and hyper-targeted message to the hypersegmented list]
  • How to use Pinterest and Instagram to get more visitors….[no..they aren’t for fashion blogs and pretty girls..any blog can leverage their 

And more…

You’ll get access to 100 videos [that is almost 24 hours watch time] covering everything from setting up your first WordPress blog to drive visitors to your blog via Facebook to LinkedIn to Instagram to Adwords to Pinterest 

Everything is yours for just ₹2999 [You Save 40% of the retail price]


And not only that…

You also get a couple of amazing bonuses…

Exclusive Bonus #1

My new and upcoming course “Analytics Mastery” [worth ₹4999]

As a blogger and digital marketer, you’ll know the importance of mastering analytics to understand more about your audience and how they are interacting with your content.

Yet many marketers and bloggers struggle when it comes to analytics – tracking and interpreting the data.

And the new Analytics Mastery will help you overcome this.

You may not become an Analytical Ninja overnight…

But you’ll definitely know your way around Google Analytics and learn how to collect the right data and understand it to make the correct decisions.

It’ll be one of my best and most comprehensive courses

And you get it FREE as a bonus with your 100 Day Blogging Course [as soon as the course is ready]

Exclusive Bonus 2

100 Daily Blogging Tips [worth ₹4999] 

I know it is not easy to get the results and you need all the support you can get to succeed.

I want you to succeed…

I don’t want you to purchase this course and do nothing because you got stuck somewhere…

I want you to blog regularly, attract visitors, build a list, and get conversions…

That’s why I’m going to send you one tip a day via email for 100 days [starting June 11th]

These are not some random tips or fillers…each one is picked for its usefulness.

You’ll get tips to select the right domain name to writing prompts to try when you get stuck to headline formulas to even some devilish psychology and persuasion tips that’ll skyrocket your readership and shares

And you get this all FREE as a bonus with your 100 Day Blogging Course

Join 100 Day Blogging Course For ₹2999

Exclusive Bonus 3

20+ checklists to help you blog better [worth 2999]

Checklists make life more comfortable, and we want to make your blogging journey easier.

That’s why you’ll get 20+ checklists for

…starting the blog
…write a perfect blog post
…guest blogging checklist
…blog maintenance checklist
…before-you-post checklist
…seo checklist
…blog promotion checklist

And more….

You get this all FREE as a bonus with your 100 Day Blogging Course

Exclusive Bonus 4

Lifetime Membership Access to the Private Facebook Group [worth ₹2999] 

You’ll never be alone in the journey.

You’ll never have to wonder or worry about what to do next or where to ask when you are stuck somewhere…

You’ll have thousand other people who are learning and growing with you

What You Will Get After Registration:

✅Instant Access to 25 Hours+ of Training Videos (100+ Videos)
✅Login Access will be sent via email and SMS within 5–10 minutes of Payment
✅LIFETIME Access to the course. Plus all videos are downloadable.
✅Access to Exclusive Facebook Group of 3,000+ Students of this course.

Get 16GB Pen Drive

✅Free 16GB Pen Drive Loaded with all the courses shipped to your address (form to fill the address will be given after enrollment)


So, is it worth your hard-earned money?
Yes, it definitely is! If you are choosing blogging and Digital Marketing as your full-time career, then this is the best option you’ll get at this price point.

Moreover, due to the course going viral Deepak is soon planning to hike the price to 10,000/-

If you are really interested and serious about your Digital career than take a leap forward and enroll in the course today.

Join the 100 Day Blogging Course at Just 2,999/-

Curriculum for the 100-Day Blogging Course

1 Setting Goals & Treating Blogging Like a Business
2 How to Choose a Topic for Your Blog?
3 How to Choose a Domain Name?
4 Understand Web-hosting & DNS Settings
5 Setting up CloudFlare DNS
6 Getting Web-hosting and Installing WordPress
7 WordPress Blog Initial Setup
8 Publishing The First Blog Post
9 W3 Total Cache, WP Touch and Editing Menus
10 Getting Started with Email Marketing
11 Basics of Google Analytics & Campaigns
12 Basic SEO for the Blog
13 Install a Custom Search Engine for Your Blog
14 Create a Facebook Page for Your Brand
15 Add a Facebook Page Plugin to the Blog
16 Getting Started with Facebook Ads
17 How to Get Outsourced Content for Your Blog
18 Managing Your Blog’s Financial Accounts
19 Creating Your First MailChimp Campaign
20 How to Get New Blog Content Ideas
21 Getting Started with YouTube and Video Marketing
22 Understanding the Funnel & Funnel Metrics
23 How to Write Better Web Content
24 The Different Types of Online Content
25 Creating The First Search Ad Campaign
26 Overview of Google AdWords
27 How to Create a YouTube Ad
28 Making Revenue from YouTube Videos
29 Scaling Search Traffic with Long Tail Keywords
30 Changing the WordPress Theme
31 Integrating Forms with Your Website
32 The Facebook Pixel Explained + Installation Demo
33 Creating Your First Facebook Ad Campaign
34 Creating Your First Facebook Lead Ad
35 Fetching the Leads from FB Lead Ads
36 Lead Generation and Lead Nurturing
37 Configuring Facebook Instant Articles
38 Facebook Instant Articles: Part 2
39 How to Monitor the Uptime of Your Website?
40 How to Make Revenue from Your Website Visitors
41 Email Marketing Automation
42 SMS Marketing Automation
43 Advanced Email Workflows
44 Understanding Site Snippets and Lead Scoring
45 Install Advanced Analytics (Hotjar)
46 Heatmaps & Visitor Recordings
47 How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog
48 Content Marketing 2.0: Integrated Digital Marketing
49 How to Install Browser based Push Notifications
50 Long Term SEO Strategies for Bloggers
Part 2
51 Advanced Keyword Research
52 Keyword Competitor Analysis
53 How to Use Keywords to Write Content
54 How to Come up With Irresistible Blog Post Titles
55 BikerBoy Keyword Research Walk Through
56 BikerBoy Keyword Competitor Analysis
57 How to Find Really Good Images for Your Blog
58 BikerBoy Content Creation Walkthrough
59 BikerBoy Title Generation Walkthrough
60 BikerBoy Images Walk Through
61 Introduction to Backlinks
62 Interlinking for SEO Benefits
63 Part 1 — How to Use Quora for Marketing
64 How to Use Quora for Marketing
65 How to Use Quora for Marketing
66 How to Publish Your Content on WordPress
67 How to Outsource Content Using ContentMart
68 How to Setup & Use Google Alerts
69 How to Find Blogs for Commenting
70 Part 1 — Introduction to AMP & Set up
71 Part 2 — How to Set up AMP
72 Walkthrough of Finding Blog Comments
73 Part 1 — Introduction to LinkedIn Marketing
74 Part 2 — Linkedin Marketing
75 Part 3 — LinkedIn Marketing
76 Linkedin Marketing — Ads & Analytics
77 Schema Markup Part 1
78 Part 2 -Schema Markup
79 Linkedin Walkthrough
80 Facebook Marketing — Part 1
81 Facebook Marketing (Pages) — Part 2
82 Facebook Marketing (Groups) — Part 1
83 Facebook Marketing (Groups) — Part 2
84 How to Migrate a Blog — Part 1
85 How to Migrate a Blog — Walkthrough
86 Pinterest Marketing — Part 1
87 Pinterest Marketing — Part 2
88 Pinterest Marketing — Part 3
89 Twitter Marketing — Part 1
90 Twitter Marketing — Part 2
91 How to Get https for your Blog
92 Google Analytics — Part 1
93 Google Analytics — Part 2
94 Instagram Marketing — Part 1
95 Instagram Marketing — Part 2
96 Google Tag Manager — Part 1
97 Google Tag Manager — Part 2
98 How to keep your WordPress Blog secure- Part 1
99 How to keep your WordPress Blog secure- Part 2
100 Tools of the trade
101 Bonus Lesson

Enroll Now for ₹2999 and Get Instant Access

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